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Preparing for Surgery


Preoperative consultation


During the preoperative consultation you will be given instructions to follow prior your surgery/procedure. Remember each patient has different individual preoperative instruction but below are some of the basic guidelines. 

You can contact the practice if you are unsure or have any further question prior your procedure.    




You will need to supply a list of all medications you are currently taking including herbal and homeopathic medications. You may need to stop certain medications several days prior your elective surgery often this will be to stop any blood thinning medication (anticoagulants) such as : Asprin, disprin, Cardio care, ibuprofen, xeralto, warfarin and most prescription NSAIDs.


Social activities


Avoid alcohol consumption.

All recreational drugs will need to be stopped. 


Diet & Fasting


Depending on the procedure you are having, you will be advised on any special dietary adjustments that need to be implemented.  Before surgery you must not eat anything 6 hours prior your surgery, small sips of water, clear apple juice or black tea/ black coffee, Rehydrate, Fresenius Jucy and other clear liquids (not containing milk products) can be taken orallly up to 4 hours prior to the procedure.


Admin and authorization


Prior to any elective surgery/procedure you need to make sure that you have pre-authorisation from your medical aid, the practice will assist you with this. On the day of your procedure you will need to go to main reception for admission. Here you will then to complete and sign admission forms (they will already have most of your information from our practice) you will also need your proof of identification and medical aid card/insurance details.


What to pack and other useful tit-bits


Please bring a list of your prescribed medications (including dosages and intervals) as well as homeopathic medication/supplementation. Also remember to note all your known allergies, including allergic reactions to certain plasters/dressings.


You will need your identification document and medical aid card/insurance details for admission. 


If you wish to book a private room, please do so during the admission process, as the practice will not be able to book a private room on your behalf.


Make sure you have informed your work of your leave of absence after you pre-operative appointment, you can request a medical certificate for your work on discharge.​


Organize someone to stay with you after your discharge. ​You will need to organize a lift to and from the hospital as you cannot drive or operate heavy machinery after anesthesia or sedation.​​


Pack an overnight bag even if you are only going for a day procedure.


If you are going to have a long hospital stay pack a second bag someone can bring you at a later stage.


Large zip lock bags are useful for dirty laundry and storing snacks.


Keeping a note pad and pen next to your bed can be helpful to quickly jot down questions and notes.


Remember to bring with a 2 point adapter to plug in all your devices.


Waterless shampoo, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes help you feel fresh if you are not able to shower.  Ear plugs also come in handy, especially if you know you might be spending some time in High Care or ICU.


Please bring your usual toiletries and body products, including a travel hairdryer and hair products. 


Remember to pack warm clothing that can open easily for physical exams, garments that open in front are usually to most comfortable


Lip balm, lotion and eye drops as the wards can be quite dry.


Entertainment and your favorite snacks to make the time pass quickly.


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