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Endoscopic procedures are often preformed for screening, diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.  Our practice offer these procedures done in-rooms, in a day clinic facility or as in-hospital procedures, depending on your age and medical conditions.


These procedures are done in conjunction with an anesthetist to provide you with a conscious sedation, to ensure your experience is as pleasant and as stress free as possible.


A screening colonoscopy is recommended when you are 50 years old, or earlier if you have a family history of a first degree relative with colon cancer, polyps or a chronic disease of the digestive tract.


A diagnostic endoscopy is often used for diagnosis of problems related to the digestive tract such as persistent nausea/vomiting, indigestion, persistent heartburn, abdominal pain, tumors, ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, polyps, cancer, rectal bleeding, blood in stools, iron-deficiency anemia, chronic or persistent diarrhea/constipation.  Endoscopies can also be therapeutic, for instance when polyps are removed during the procedure.


You will be advised on the procedure and preparation needed during your consultation, the three main endoscopic procedures performed are:


  • Gastroscopy (examination of the oesophagus, stomach)

  • Colonoscopy (examination of the large intestine and rectum)

  • Sigmoidoscopy (examination of the sigmoid colon and rectum)

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